لن تضجر بعد اليوم في عطلة الكورونا!

Nowadays, due to Coronavirus circumstances, we may feel some depression and frustration. What we can do to avoid these kind of feelings?! There are a lot of activities that we can really enjoy them during this long vacation and trust me you will even adapt easily if you listen carefully to some points I am showing you in this short video. 

9 أسباب لعدم التركيز خلال الحصة الدراسية

You always have to think about the causes in order to know what are the solutions. In this case, I definitely talking about a common problem many students face it and they don't recognize the main causes of it. Students can't always concentrate through their courses. This distractions through their courses surely will affect their grades later on and that'ts why they need to pay attention to the causes that distract them to know how to avoid them. In this video I will show you the most important causes that let us face this problem while studying.

شرح طريقة ارسال السيرة الذاتية عبر الايميل

How to send your CV via email?! 
This video will explain in details how to insert your CV via emails.
Enjoy watching!