Microbiology & Immunology

This semester, I have taken a nice course which is Microbiology and Immunology. 
In this course, I’ve live a nice short-life in the laboratory. 
And this was the most amazing part of the course.

I have learned how to write lab reports. I have been besides the bacteria and viruses LOL. 
I have seen many kinds of bacteria and its spores and viruses on the microscope.
 I have learned about fungi. I have known types of microscopes and how I can handle with them.

It was really my favorite course in this semester. I have cultured the bacteria from many sources and I have distinguished among their classification.

In addition, I have learned about a lot of diseases that can be treated or not and may be caused from bacteria, viruses, fungi or even prions. I wished if there is another course that is related to Microbiology and Immunology. 

Not only the course excited me but also the doctor was so nice in her treatment with us. She was really communicable as she facilitated for us the information as possible. Life was really easy with her. I hope I can treat her in another courses else. 

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